My happy place at work. It looks like a it should last us all school year but it never does.
My teaching schedule this year is a little interesting. We were asked to teach 6 out of 8 classes this year (without extra pay) when in the past we have only taught 5. In addition to that I am an art teacher and we usually teach a lot of different subjects which makes more work. My schedule of classes is 1st Drawing, 2nd Drawing, 4th IB Art, 5th AP Studio Art, 7th Photo, 8th Photo.
Overall it was a good first week of school. I really like all my kids and I can't foresee any trouble makers. I think it helps that I am teaching mostly upper level classes. You would think that a lot of kids take art because they want to but a lot get "dumped" into art classes because they have no where else to go. I also started my graduate classes this week which was interesting to say the least. I am taking 1 online class and then a independent drawing class that meets ever other week to critique. This first class was just an intro and to talk about what our direction is. I am the only grad student in a group of upper level undergrads. I forgot how up their own asses art majors are and I am included myself in this group as well only 6 years ago. It was so strange and weird it deserves it's own post.
Here are a few shots from my office. It seems to have already exploded.

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