Sunday, August 21, 2011

Adrain Valencia

Yes! Alive! Why is it that blogger is the first thing to go by the way side when I am busy?
I spent the last week setting up my classrooms ( I have 3) and getting everything ready for the first day of school tomorrow.  Its amazing how fast I can get back into the routine of school and also how incredibly exhausting it is! I have been in bed by 9 or taking random naps on the couch a lot lately. It also amazes me every year how incredibly nervous I get.  I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow.  In the mean time I found a fun artist on Pinterest and I couldn't resist sharing. Adrian Valencia's Lady Gaga illustrations drew me in.  I am a closet Lady Gaga fan even though I have no idea what her new video You and I is about (please help?)

Now this is dedication.  I wonder if it is the artist's car. 

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