Well that was a big ol fat unintended blogging break. I blame the holidays. Which I can cause it is true. I am pretty sure I do this every year so I guess I am being consistent at least...right? Here is a recap of everything and then hopefully regular blogging will return
Where to start? Lets go back to the middle of December. One of my best friends, Rachel, planned a surprise birthday party for her husband. Her husband is also Bradley's boss/business partner/good friend so we both did a lot to help set up the warehouse where they work. It was pretty amazing. There was well over 70 people that came from all over the country. Rachel had been planning this for over a year and it came together flawlessly. I did feel bad for all those people who came from Miami. I think 15 degrees at night was a shock for them.

I experienced my annual "cursed week" as I have started calling in this year. For the past 4 years (possibly longer) something happens to me the same week in December that stops me in my tracks. This year it was the stomach flu. I was out the last two days of the students taking their finals of the semester. I felt bad but oh well. This kids will survive without me.
The Holidays. Oh the holidays. We spent Christmas eve with Bradley Grandma in a nursing home in Denver. After that we made a quick drive back home to have dinner with Bradley's aunt and uncle. On Christmas day we had my parents, my in-laws, my grandma and Bradley's brother over for brunch. It was whirl wind 24 hours but Bradley and I were handsomely rewarded at the end of the day with our annual crab leg dinner and a movie.

On our way to Denver Christmas Eve
After all that I have just been spending time being quiet and doing various organzing and painting projects around the house. I spent two days painting the front bedroom in our house. Two long days ( I am anal retentive when it comes to painting). I am pretty much painted out. After this the only place I haven't painted in this house is 70% of the ceilings and the upstairs bathroom. Eventually this room will be a nursery but for now it is just holding a lot of random crap. We will talk about baby making soooon sooooooon. Don't worry.

New Years Eve was extremely low key and spent at home with two of our good friends playing scrabble and watching documentaries on baby sloths. It was our first low key new years eve and I loved it! Usually we get all dressed up and paint the town red and then pay heavily for it the next day. It was so nice to start 2012 not hung over and hating life.

This week I sitll have off from work and grad school so I am planning on relaxing and basically doing whatever I want. I will have to go into work towards the end of the week to get a few things ready for the start of the semester but that won't be too bad. I might sneak down to Denver to visit the new H&M and maybe go to
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