Fabric for Halloween costumes. I guess that means I need to start sewing** Not sure if I should be offended by Art Teacher Barbie or not. Apparently all we like to do is paint pictures of flowers and cats** My good friends Allison wearing my new birdcage veil** Charcoal drawing is messy. Currently grad school is kicking my ass** Early morning drawing time outside with my drawing class** Super adorable Rachel and Aubrey
Every time I am pretty sure that life can't get any busier it does. I don't think anyone told me when I was a kid how fast life is going to speed up when you become an adult. This morning I spent some extra time laying in bed gazing out the window and enjoying the stillness of the early morning. Today I have to finish a drawing, start another one, go back and pick up the thread I forgot at the fabric store yesterday, go to the grocery store and if the weather clears we were talking about going to the pumpkin patch. The house cleaning is just going to be ignored and I am perfectly okay with that. I have been making sure to take a few minutes here and there to just sit and I have been spending some time just listening to music which I probably haven't done since I was a teenager. Here are some songs from my fall playlist
Loving this song and video for Cruel by St. Vincent. I think she might be my new favorite artist.
Oooh I think we have similar music taste, yet I've never heard of St. Vincent before. Thanks for posting!