Sephora (my heaven on earth) came out with these Chic Prints by OPI which is basically like a do it yourself version of Minx Nails. I was giddy with delight because I have been searching for something like this and cheap ass me refuses to pay $40 for a salon to do it.
Now I am a Colorado girl through and through and we are typically very low maintenance and I admit in the summer my beauty routine consists of sunscreen, moisturizer, and chapstick and if I am going out somewhere I might put some eyeliner and mascara on. However, I do like having my nails done. So when I found these gems at Sephora I jumped all over it and this is my adventure in applying them and being horribly disappointed.
Look how happy I am (this will slowly decline)
I chose the chrome lace print because it was the most feminine.
Start with clean, filled and buffed nails.
Pick the size that works best for your nail size and rub the decal so it comes off easier.
I started with my thumb.
I placed the decal at the base of my nail by the cuticle and wrapped the decal around to the sides. The nice part that is if I didn't perfectly center it I could pull it back off and try it again.
Trim the decal down to your nail. Here is where I realized that this might not work because I keep my nails so short I lost most of the pattern.
Commence pursing lips! I am really starting to get annoyed here.
Now the directions say to file down the decal to the nail but I found that this just moved the decal around and made bubbles. I ended up just using the scissors and trimming it to size.
Not really sure how I feel about them here but I figured I did one nail I might as well do the rest of the hand and then decide.
I look like I am out of the movie Terminator
So technically these were very easy to put on but aesthetically the blinding silver and loss of the pattern is just to harsh for me. I think if I did this again I would get the tiger print. My only issue with the patterns that Sephora is offering is they are all very modern and geometrical. I would like something softer, feminine, and not so freakishly silver.
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