Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Not Dead Just Kind of Dead

This pretty much sums up everything right now
image via weheartit

Best parts about being sick
1. Cough drops. Its like free candy.  I HAVE to eat them.
2. The mask you get at the doctor's office and the facial expressions from the secretary when you don't put the mask on but draw on it instead.
3. Kleenex with lotion in them
4. Ice cream and popsicles.
5. Napping on the couch.
6. Having a husband cook for you and get you just about anything you want.

So it is Wednesday and I really thought I was going to be better by this point.  But I am not. I feel terrible taking off so much of work but I have to remember the kids are fine, they are just working on projects, and this is why I have sick days.  I did make it to the doctor yesterday to find out I have another sinus infection so I am trying to take it easy so I don't end up in the hospital again like I did last December.

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